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针对ROV对国产导航系统的需求,研发了包含导航融合终端软件及光纤罗经在内的ROV导航定位系统工程样机。该系统由嵌入式运行模式、仿真运行模式和数据分析模块三部分组成,能够完整记录ROV工作环境数据信息并进行时标化存储,生成实测数据文件,进而通过精准复现ROV工作环境数据,为ROV导航算法的调试提供便捷、一致的试验数据和高效的数据分析手段。海试验证结果表明,系统有效复现了水下试验数据,通过数据回放仿真高效完成了导航算法参数调试,对USBL噪声实现80%抑制,并能够有效应对USBL输出异常情况,可有效辅助ROV水下调查及安装等工程作业。  相似文献   
针对分布式3个传感器多目标的航迹相关算法如果直接计算时间和花费都比较高这一问题,提出降维航迹关联算法。该算法先利用2个传感器的目标位置估计点构造航迹相关代价矩阵,求出最优解,再利用这个最优解与第3个传感器的目标位置估计点构建航迹相关代价矩阵,进一步得到三维航迹相关配对。针对单信息系统不稳定这一问题,提出了融合多个特征信息的加权算法。该算法利用熵权法赋予各种不同信息的权重进行加权融合,转化为单信息问题。仿真结果说明本文所给出的新算法不仅减小了目标跟踪误差而且其时间花费较少,因此,新算法是可行的。  相似文献   
为实时跟踪高速飞行无人机,图像跟踪算法必须满足快速性和准确性要求。文章给出一个融合算法,将帧差法和 Mean shift算法的优势结合起来。2个算法平行运行,差帧法实现快速跟踪,Mean shift算法则用于对帧差法结果进行准确度修正。还利用 Kalman滤波技术对计算周期内的无人机运动位移进行补偿,进一步提高实时跟踪的准确性,并给出 Matlab仿真例子验证本文方法的有效性。  相似文献   
为了跟踪空间目标,构建了基于局部粒子滤波器的多传感器融合方法估计空间目标状态。粒子滤波重要采样过程中,设计了基于融合估计的重要密度函数减少粒子贫化问题,并设计基于 McDE(Memetic compact Differ. ential Evolution)重采样策略,通过对粒子的变异与选择等进化操作来解决粒子退化问题。理论推导与仿真结果皆证明方法的有效性。  相似文献   
In information fusion, the uncertain information from different sources might be modeled with different theoretical frameworks. When one needs to fuse the uncertain information represented by different uncertainty theories, constructing the transformation between different frameworks is crucial. Various transformations of a Fuzzy Membership Function (FMF) into a Basic Belief Assignment (BBA) have been proposed, where the transformations based on uncertainty maximization and minimization can determine the BBA without preselecting the focal elements. However, these two transformations that based on uncertainty optimization emphasize the extreme cases of uncertainty. To avoid extreme attitudinal bias, a trade-off or moderate BBA with the uncertainty degree between the minimal and maximal ones is more preferred. In this paper, two moderate transformations of an FMF into a trade-off BBA are proposed. One is the weighted average based transformation and the other is the optimization-based transformation with weighting mechanism, where the weighting factor can be user-specified or determined with some prior information. The rationality and effectiveness of our transformations are verified through numerical examples and classification examples.  相似文献   
随着传感器网络技术的发展,多传感器融合状态估计凭借其鲁棒性、灵活性、可扩展性以及便于故障检测等优点,长期受到国内外学者的广泛关注,并取得了大量研究成果。数据融合的方法为融合状态估计奠定了理论基础,也是早期研究的主要方向,从20世纪70年代到20世纪末,相继发展出了集中式和分散式滤波架构及相应算法。无线通信技术的成熟以及一致性算法的出现使得分布式状态估计的研究进入了快车道,自2005年以来,大量基于一致性的分布式滤波算法被提出,其中不乏实用的经典方法和优秀的开创性方法。旨在梳理多传感器融合状态估计的发展,探究从数据融合到分布式滤波的内在联系,并对一些经典方法进行了总结。  相似文献   
随着人们对定位安全和定位准确性要求的提升,仅仅依赖卫星导航系统已经不能满足用户在各种复杂环境下的个性化定位需求,在此背景下,通信导航一体化技术应运而生。移动通信网络具有覆盖广、用户数量大和安全保密性好等优点,将通信系统作为卫星导航系统的有效补充,可以有效提升导航系统的性能。导航通信融合技术已经成为导航领域未来发展的重要技术热点,但目前缺乏清晰的导通融合架构和导通融合方式。从导通融合的技术层面进行划分,提出了波形融合、信息融合、硬件融合三种导通融合方式,分析了通信系统的辅助信息对导航系统精度和抗干扰能力的影响,以及两种典型的导通融合系统的优缺点,并对其未来的发展进行了展望,补充了导航通信融合技术的基础理论,对导通融合技术的发展具有重大意义。  相似文献   
针对容积卡尔曼滤波算法在惯性/光流组合测速数据融合时出现由于各系统输出数据频率不一致导致融合精度有限的问题,提出了一种基于多速率残差校正的改进容积卡尔曼滤波算法.通过当前时刻误差估算组合导航系统残差,再使用估算后的残差对速度估计值进行补偿,最终实现惯性/光流组合系统速度测量值的数据融合.实验结果表明,通过提出的改进容积卡尔曼滤波对惯性/光流数据进行融合后,东向速度均方根误差为0.2964m/s,北向速度均方根误差为0.06m/s,与现有其他卡尔曼滤波算法相比,此方法可显著提高惯性/光流组合系统的速度测量精度.  相似文献   
D-S evidence theory, as a general framework for reasoning with uncertainty, allows combining pieces of evidence from different information sources to derive a degree of belief function that is a type of fuzzy measure. However, the mass assignments given by unknown information sources are disordered. How to measure the difference between the mass assignments has aroused people’s interest. In this paper, inspired by the information volume, a novel distance-based measure is proposed to measure the difference between mass assignments. The method can refine the uncertain information given by experts and compare the refined information to obtain the difference between mass assignments. At the same time, it is verified that the measure not only meets the properties of distance, but also proves the superiority of the proposed Information Volume Distance (IVD) through simulation experiments. Meanwhile, in the process of information fusion, the reliability of each source could be quantified through IVD. Therefore, based on IVD, a new multi-source information algorithm is proposed to solve the problem of multi-source information fusion. Moreover, algorithm is applied to decision-making problem and compare with other methods to verify the effectiveness.  相似文献   
The methods for combining multiple classifiers based on belief functions require to work with a common and complete(closed) Frame of Discernment(Fo D) on which the belief functions are defined before making their combination. This theoretical requirement is however difficult to satisfy in practice because some abnormal(or unknown) objects that do not belong to any predefined class of the Fo D can appear in real classification applications. The classifiers learnt using different attributes inform...  相似文献   
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